Sunday, October 6, 2013

4 1/2 Qt. Black and White Crock Pot Slow Cooker for $11.99!

I was doing my usual routine of looking around on websites when I came across a good deal. The original price of this item is usually around $30, but with a discount it goes down to $16.99. Then, you add a $5 off coupon, that will make the purchase exactly $11.99. With an Amazon Prime subscription, you can also add in Free S&H. You must be logged into to see this deal.

I want to thank SwagGrabber for finding this deal.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Looking to earn cash and prizes?

If you are like me, you are looking for ways to help yourself or family out. You usually see ads on the television or computer that says "Sign up today to get cash and prizes", where as many ask for your credit card and other valuable details. I've ran into a lot of sites like that over time.

Today, I am going to post a few of the sites that I personally use to fill out surveys, watch video's on and earn cash and prizes. If you have just a little time on hand, clicking the links below, you can get started earning cash and prizes and bonus points. So far I have earned Amazon, Wal-Mart and other gift cards, a check through the mail and even money into my PayPal account.

Website Lists:

Mint Vine
Bing Rewards
Point Club
Inbox Dollars
Inbox Pays
My Points

These are just a few of the pay sites I have used. Remember to click the links above to get bonus points.

New Season, New Posts Ahead!

It's been awhile since I've tried to work with this site, mostly due to the fact that I have been working in a nursing field for a little over 6 months. Now, I am back, and starting from scratch. Look for new posts, new reviews on different websites, products and even a few discounts, freebie items and hopefully, good finds along the way. I am hoping to get a larger reader base and looking forward to sharing a few insightful topics along the way.

For starters, if you look around the blog site itself, you'll find links to click upon. These links are usually handy for discount websites, other blogger pages, games with code points, and even ways for you to earn points for gift cards or different items. Also, if you are looking to earn a little money along the way, scrolling to the bottom of the page you'll find a search engine that'll also let you earn rewards while doing simple, everyday searches the internet. There will be more sites like this posted on this blog site if you are interested in earning points or money. I will try to also be adding a few more categories along the way that I hope will also help in your searches.

I hope everyone is having a good year so far. A reminder that tomorrow is the official first day of Fall. I would also like to ask to please remember to keep our troops in your thoughts and prayers, for many are overseas at the moment, while others are preparing to ship out soon. I hope you all will enjoy this site. Feel free to share with friends and family, and hopefully, whatever comes ahead in future posts will be helpful in what-ever you are looking for. Have a Blessed day!